EAST-CITIES Dataset Inventory

EAST-CITIES Dataset Inventory


The data-driven approach of EAST-Cities is facilitated through a range of research datasets, currently 53, summarised at east-cities.github.io/data-inventory. This initial data collection includes a range of different data types such as: geospatial data, statistical data, e.g. on passenger flows, climate and air quality in the Qingdao region over time; text corpora e.g. scientific publications for automatically mining relevant dataset references; spatial databases, e.g. data on buildings, districts,
vegetation or infrastructure networks; and survey data, e.g. investigating business environment indicators for private sector growth. To facilitate data integration, sharing and interpretation of EAST-CITIES data, a joint data model is being developed to represent concepts and entities of interest, such as points of interest (PoIs), routes, structures, and buildings